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How much do private practice therapists make per hour? | 2024

Discover how much private practice therapists make per hour in the UK. Our guide explores key factors like location, specialisation, and experience, and offers tips to optimise pricing, boost your online presence, and streamline administration.

How much do private practice therapists make per hour? | 2024

As the demand for mental health services continues to rise, many professionals in the field are considering the benefits of starting their own private practice. One of the key factors in this decision is understanding the potential earnings. So, how much do private practice therapists make per hour? This question is crucial for those looking to gauge the financial viability of their career choice. In this article, we'll delve into the various factors that influence a therapist's hourly rate, providing a comprehensive overview to help you make an informed decision about your professional future in private practice.

Average Hourly Rates for Private Practice Therapists in the UK

The cost of therapy in the UK can vary widely. On average, private practice therapists charge between £60 and £90 per hour. However, the rates can range from as low as £40 to as high as £200 per hour, depending on several factors such as location, type of therapy, and therapist experience. More on that below. Here is a generalised guide:

  • The average cost of seeing a Counsellor is between £40 and £70 per 50-minute session.
  • Seeing a Psychotherapist or CBT Therapist typically ranges from £60 to £100 per 50-minute session.
  • The fees for Clinical Psychologists or Counselling Psychologists range from £100 to £180 or more per 50-minute session.

While private therapy is more expensive, some costs can be covered by private health insurance, depending on the policy. It’s essential for clients to check with their insurance providers regarding coverage details. Therapy provided through the NHS is generally less expensive or free, but it often comes with long waiting times 

Factors Influencing Earnings for Private Practice Therapists

Understanding the factors that influence how much private practice therapists make per hour is essential for psychologists, psychotherapists, and counsellors alike. Here are some key elements that can significantly impact earnings:

Geographical Location

Where you practice in the UK can greatly affect your hourly rate. Therapists in major cities like London, Manchester, or Edinburgh tend to charge more per hour compared to those in smaller towns or rural areas. The cost of living and local demand for mental health services play a significant role in these regional differences.

Experience and Credentials

Your level of experience and credentials is crucial in determining your hourly rate. Therapists with many years of experience, advanced degrees, and additional certifications or specialisations can command higher fees. Clients often perceive these therapists as more knowledgeable and effective, justifying the higher cost.


Therapists who specialise in niche areas, such as child psychology, trauma therapy, or couples counselling, can often charge higher rates. Specialisations that require additional training and certification can also lead to increased earnings. Clients seeking specialised services are usually willing to pay a premium for expertise in a particular area of mental health.


The type of clients you see can impact your earnings. Therapists who primarily accept private pay clients can set their rates higher compared to those who work with the NHS or insurance companies, which often have set reimbursement rates. Additionally, therapists who cater to high-income clientele or offer premium services, such as concierge therapy, can charge significantly more per hour.

Business Acumen

Your ability to market your services and manage your practice efficiently also affects your earnings. Effective marketing strategies can attract more clients and allow you to set higher rates. Additionally, good business practices, such as efficient scheduling, billing, and administrative processes, can reduce overhead costs and increase net income. Konfidens can be a great choice if you’re looking to minimise admin and make time for more clients.

Which rates should I charge as therapist in private practice?

There is no definitive right or wrong answer when it comes to setting your therapy rates. It's crucial to consider the various factors mentioned earlier and determine how you position yourself along these dimensions. Additionally, researching the rates of other therapists in your area can provide valuable insights into how your experience and expertise compare, helping you to set competitive and fair pricing.

Defining your rates is a key component of positioning your practice in the market. Consider whether you aim to help those in need by offering low-cost therapy or sliding scale pricing, or if you are targeting high-profile clients willing to pay a premium for your services. Your pricing strategy communicates your practice’s value proposition and helps attract your ideal clients.

Furthermore, your rates reflect your professional identity and the quality of service you provide. Therapists who offer specialised or advanced therapeutic techniques can justifiably set higher rates, reflecting their additional training and expertise. Conversely, offering more affordable rates can position your practice as accessible and community-focused, attracting clients who might otherwise be unable to afford therapy.

It's also beneficial to periodically review and adjust your rates to reflect changes in your experience, client demand, and operating costs. By carefully considering these factors and staying informed about industry standards, you can set rates that are both fair and representative of the value you provide to your clients.

💡 Looking for an effective and professional way to bill your clients? Check out Konfidens Pay – the fully automated payment platform for mental health therapists.

3 tips to increase earnings for private practice therapists

Increasing earnings in private practice requires strategic planning and effective management. Here are several actionable tips to help private practice therapists in the UK enhance their income:

Optimising Administration

Efficient administrative management is crucial for running a profitable practice. The Konfidens practice management solution can significantly streamline your administrative tasks by automating schedulingbilling, and client management. This not only saves time but also minimises errors and administrative overheads. With Konfidens, you can focus more on client care and less on paperwork, ensuring that your practice operates smoothly and efficiently.

📖 Read our guide on streamlining appointment scheduling in mental health clinics.

Optimising Pricing

Setting the right pricing strategy is vital for maximising earnings. Consider the following approaches:

  • Tiered Pricing: Implement a tiered pricing model based on session length or service type. For instance, charge higher rates for specialised assessments or extended sessions. Most practice management systems allows you to create various therapy services with different rates to streamline booking and billing.
  • Sliding Scale: Offer a sliding scale fee structure to accommodate clients with varying financial capabilities. This approach ensures your services remain accessible while optimising revenue from clients who can afford to pay more. We usually recommend to define some set price tiers as this makes the admin much easier than negotiating separate rates with each client.
  • Regular Reviews: Periodically review your pricing to reflect changes in your experience, client demand, and operating costs. Adjusting your rates based on these factors can help maintain competitiveness and profitability.

Enhancing Online Presence

A robust online presence is essential for growing your practice. Here are key strategies to enhance your digital footprint:

  • Professional Website: Create a professional, user-friendly website that clearly outlines your services, specialisations, and contact information. Ensure your website is easy to navigate and visually appealing.
  • SEO Strategies: Utilise search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques to improve your website’s visibility on search engines. This includes using relevant keywords, optimizing meta tags, and creating high-quality content that attracts potential clients.
  • Social Media Engagement: Leverage social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to share insights, promote your services, and engage with your audience. Regularly update your profiles with informative and engaging content to establish yourself as an authority in your field.
  • Directory Listings: Listing your practice in reputable directories can enhance your visibility. Examples of well known directories are Counselling Directory and Psychology Today. The Konfidens Therapy Directory is also an excellent and free resource for therapists looking to attract more clients. Being listed in a well-regarded directory can increase your reach and credibility, making it easier for potential clients to find and choose your services.

By focusing on these areas, private practice therapists in the UK can effectively increase their earnings and grow their practices. Implementing these strategies will not only help you optimise your practice operations but also ensure that you attract and retain more clients, ultimately leading to greater financial success.

Last edited:
August 22, 2024

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