Therapist Talk
3 min read

From Chaos to Konfidens: A Therapist’s Journey to Simplified Practice Management

In an engaging Q&A session, we sit down with Catherine Asta, a therapist and author of the book "Rediscovered." Catherine shares her experience with practice management tools and how Konfidens has significantly transformed both her professional and personal life.

From Chaos to Konfidens: A Therapist’s Journey to Simplified Practice Management

Building the right tech stack is key

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How to choose the right tech stack for your company?

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What to consider when choosing the right tech stack?

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What are the most relevant factors to consider?

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What tech stack do we use at Techly X?

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Tell us about your initial struggles with practice management before discovering Konfidens?

"I need to know what I’m doing, when I’m doing it, and for how long - this helps me to prepare. I struggle with too many different systems, apps, or overly complicated platforms which are supposed to help you. An extension of the ‘too many steps’ involved in something and my neurodivergent brain hits a wall."

How did you come across Konfidens, and what were your first impressions?

"I recently discovered a new platform called ‘Konfidens’ which has been developed by a Norwegian team of developers and designers, and it has become my work companion. It’s not overly complicated and visually has that scandi minimalist vibe that I love, and it’s multi-purpose.

I can manage all my work (and importantly my life!) from this one place - my diary, my therapy work, podcast interviews, and the virtual coffees with potential collaborators, as well as ensuring I block out time for me and all the other things happening in my life and family.”

What feature of Konfidens do you find most beneficial for your practice?

“People can automatically book into my diary in the slots I decide I want to make available without me operating several different systems.

When I say I’ve found an app that has changed my life, I’m not exaggerating.

I’m not sure if they had a neurodivergent market in mind when they developed it, but it ticks all the boxes. Especially for people like me who have multiple strands to their work and need a system that can accommodate all the parts of my work.

It gives my potential clients a stylish first impression too.

Thank you for creating a platform that I needed that didn't exist in the way I needed it to."

Catherine Asta is a therapist, writer, and podcaster and a prominent advocate for women and neurodivergent individuals. She’s the host of "The Late Discovered Club" podcast, challenging stereotypes about autistic women and the author of the upcoming book "Rediscovered." Recognized as one of the Top 50 Influential Neurodivergent Women in the UK in 2023 and an Advocate For Change in Gender Equality, Catherine also contributes as a consultant, speaker, and trainer on the NHS National Autism Trainer Programme. Read more about Catherine on her website.

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